Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hijab is not in the Quran whether you like it or not

This is my 6th of 7th post on this and I feel like I need to keep telling people this (especially from people where hijab is always associated with virginity and piety (so Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, and Yemen)).

Conservative Muslims usually argue the evidence for hijab from the Quran, because there isn't any reliable hadith material that advocates for hijab. They try and break down the Arabic words to prove head covering is there. However, there are a significant amount of websites and videos that show there is nothing about head covering in the Quran, and they also break down the root words in Arabic.

The following are Quran-alone websites. I have not linked to them before, as the ten or twelve sources I have shown on here are all from non-hadith rejecting websites. I feel like a change is needed for people to realize hijab is just not in the Quran, and I will use Quranist websites for this post. To some it might seem more clear. Even if you do not reject hadiths, still see the arguments in the sources.

So anyways here they are:

http://www.quransmessage.com/articles/hijaab%20FM3.htm (surprisingly, this one is a little conservative. It still says head covering is not required, but it might be if women beautify it in a way which causes attraction (though as I have mentioned before, hair cannot cause sexual arousal). It also says arms and shoulders need to be covered, however I disagree with this part. Shoulders and arms do not cause sexual arousal)
http://www.quranaloneislam.net/women-s-dress-code (very lengthy and detailed)
http://www.quranicpath.com/misconceptions/hijab_niqab.html (interesting as it uses science to prove its point).

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