Thursday, December 5, 2019

Burka covered women in Pakistan harass and insult women who work and who are not wearing burkas

Self hating, holier than thou, super judgmental, self righteous women who show off in  the name of Islam have been mentioned several times on here before. Today, burka covered women in Pakistan raided the streets to attack and harass non-burka women and women who work. Have a look at the following links. See how some self hating women are in the comments who support these women. See how only men like and love their comments.

Toxic masculinity is often the product of poor mothering by these self hating holier than thou women.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pakistani politicians reverse bill forcing abayas on little girls. See the reaction from men

It is clear that women being hidden away in burkas is the only thing these freaks care about. Abaya, niqab, and hijab never have been a part of Pakistani culture, yet these freaks talk as if it has always been worn by women.

A province in Pakistan made it mandatory for little girls to wear abayas. Look at the sick comments by men

What you see:
1) Covering up is the "main pillar" of Islam
2) Covering up protects family honor
3) Hijab/pardah is the most important thing in Islam
4) Aggressive and insulting attacks on women who comment against this
5) Self hating women who join in on the attack on their fellow women. These women, who are all showing off in burkas and niqabs and hijab, have a high amount of pride that they are superior

Friday, April 19, 2019

A Pakistani woman was sexually harassed by 30 men at a concert. Look at the SICK comments

Her instagram:

Same time as always, the men are laughing and blaming her for inviting harassment, even some comments praising the act of harassment, and you have a sick amount of self hating women who are joining their fellow men in degrading their own gender. Notice how many can't condemn the harassment. Notice how they say "in Islam, good girls stay in their houses".

Sick humans.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Pakistani-Canadian woman was harassed and stalked in Pakistan. See the sick comments by men

If you don't vomit after reading the comments, please end your life.

A Pakistani Canadian woman went to Pakistan and was cat-called and harassed. She was also followed back to her hotel. Now, for some sick reason, the men (AND the usual religious self hating women) cannot condemn what happened to her. Instead, as you can see for yourself, they blame her for "inviting" harassment" "enjoying" harassment, or they blame the media outlet for giving a "bad name" to Pakistan.

I have mentioned this before, when it comes to social issues, Muslims are the WORST humans alive.

Monday, April 8, 2019

A Pakistani media outlet used satire to point out how wives are treated. Look how triggered the men got

If you can read Urdu, look at the amount of swear words men are saying towards women. Look how women on there are triggering men. You can see that woman who has about 200 replies to her comment. Her comment was a sarcastic take at how men in Pakistan treat women. Look how when the roles were reversed, men went crazy.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Why do Pakistani men support beating women?

This is about the same story from the last time I posted. This Pakistani news article is criticizing the attitudes of men towards abused women.

You can clearly see the men in the comments are having a tough time condemning domestic violence. You can clearly see they are more occupied with the idea of her dancing than her being abused by her husband. You can see the amount of butthurt insecure men in the comments.
You also see those who are criticizing her are bringing Islam into it and aggressively attacking those who oppose them with words like "secular" and "liberal". Remember my article on my other blog where insecure Muslim males throw those words around so illogically.

Friday, March 29, 2019

A Pakistani woman was beaten by her husband. Look at the amount of men supporting domestic violence and honor killings

This indeed is yet another sad day for Pakistan. The macho toxic masculine men of Pakistan are having a day.

A few days ago, it was reported in Pakistani news outlets about a husband who beat his wife and shaved her head. Just today, a few right wing media outlets posted a video of a woman (who may or may not be the one who was beaten). These right wing media outlets are claiming it is the same women, and in the video, it shows her dancing around men. The uncivilized and savage side of Pakistani society has risen, causing havoc on social media by calling this poor women with such degrading names. They aren't at all showing any sympathy. They do not care if it is even her in the video. This is how sad and judgemental Pakistani society is.

There's a lot of evidence that even suggests the man purposely made the woman dance. Yet, as you can see from the comments, the men don't care. They just want to abuse the woman.

Here are the links:

Now what you notice in these right wing media outlets is the sick and inhumane comments. There are horrible men saying she deserved to be beaten (because apparently Allah allows men to beat such women), and then there are comments saying the husband didn't go far enough. There are also plenty of comments that quote anti-women hadiths.

You can see the amount of men supporting beating of women and quoting verse 4:34 and anti-women hadiths. Where's the outrage from conservative Muslims on these savage men misquoting Islamic scriptures?

I have mentioned before about self-hating women. Well, they're also there alongside the horrible men.

If you can't read Urdu, see the likes each comment gets. If it has  a lot of women liking it, then it is a good comment. If it has nothing but men liking it, chances are it is a comment supporting domestic violence or honor killings. Notice the two different types of women in here. The ones who have a profile picture are the ones against sick comments by men. The ones who have nothing but religious quotes on their profile, and don't have any pictures of themselves, they are the self hating ones that are supporting sick comments by men.

Saturday, March 23, 2019