Saturday, July 14, 2018

See the sick comments by men on an article about a woman being harassed in Pakistan

You see:
-Comments saying the story is "Fake"
-Comments saying the girl is wanting "publicity"
-Comments blaming women for "inviting" harassment, because if you are without a hijab or burka, then you are "nude"

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A 6 year old Pakistani girl was sexually abused for years by her own brother. See how men react in the comments

What you see:
-Can't show sympathy
-Can't condemn the sexual abuser
-Blame the dressing of the girl
-Blame "feminists", somehow
-Say the article is "fake"
-Attack anyone who shows sympathy

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Pakistani article asked men to stop blaming rape victims. See how men respond

Men in the comments can't understand the article. They continue to blame rape victims for "inviting" rape. They continue to say hijab prevents harassment and rape (even though the article mentions how burka covered women are being harassed and raped all the time). They continue to compare uncovered women to lollipops.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hijab is not in the Quran whether you like it or not

This is my 6th of 7th post on this and I feel like I need to keep telling people this (especially from people where hijab is always associated with virginity and piety (so Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, and Yemen)).

Conservative Muslims usually argue the evidence for hijab from the Quran, because there isn't any reliable hadith material that advocates for hijab. They try and break down the Arabic words to prove head covering is there. However, there are a significant amount of websites and videos that show there is nothing about head covering in the Quran, and they also break down the root words in Arabic.

The following are Quran-alone websites. I have not linked to them before, as the ten or twelve sources I have shown on here are all from non-hadith rejecting websites. I feel like a change is needed for people to realize hijab is just not in the Quran, and I will use Quranist websites for this post. To some it might seem more clear. Even if you do not reject hadiths, still see the arguments in the sources.

So anyways here they are: (surprisingly, this one is a little conservative. It still says head covering is not required, but it might be if women beautify it in a way which causes attraction (though as I have mentioned before, hair cannot cause sexual arousal). It also says arms and shoulders need to be covered, however I disagree with this part. Shoulders and arms do not cause sexual arousal) (very lengthy and detailed) (interesting as it uses science to prove its point).

Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Pakistani rickshaw driver was beaten by a woman for masturbating. See the sick comments by men

What you see is:
-The woman who beat up the man being blamed for "inviting" harassment
-The women who beat up the man being fat shamed
-Women getting blamed for "showing off" their body parts (which doesn't even happen in Pakistan)
-The rickshaw is receiving a lot of support

And these same idiots wonder why Pakistan is such a failed state

See how Pakistani men (and some self hating women) react about a post on feminism

Butthurt, angry, aggressive, insecure males in the comments and self hating women who join men in degrading their own gender.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Pakistani boxer Amir Khan has had yet another affair. But see how Pakistani men comment

You see people blaming his wife, blaming the woman he had an affair with, being in denial, joking about it, and in some cases flat out supporting this horrible disgusting act. But hardly anyone touches on HIM for having an affair. If this was the other way around (and it was a few months ago) all the comments would be targeted towards his wife. This is typical Pakistani male behavior. Oh and also notice some self hating women. They are just as stupid as the males.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

See how Muslim men comment towards this Yemeni woman

Not only the video, but see the sick amount of Muslim men who are justifying the young girl in the video being called all kinds of sick names.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A man in Pakistan flashed his penis to college girls. Look at the sick amount of men who support and laugh at this

What a sad sick day to be a man from Pakistan.
Just a little background, Pakistan recently had a women's march (something the men clearly didn't take positively). A slogan from it was "meri jism meri marzi" (my body my choice). Pakistan is a country that sexualizes every inch of a woman, celebrates the beating of women, and blames women for pretty much everything. It is very difficult to do anything for women in Pakistan (unless you are a burka covered housewife).
Now, disgustingly, the men of Pakistan have been using the slogan to justify stupid things. Social media is FULL of these sick men who hare supporting the man, saying things like it is his right to show his body if women are "seducing" men (which they aren't by the way, it just proves my point about sexualizing everything women do).

This really is a failed nation.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

How Pakistani men react to the woman's march

How men in Pakistan react to an article about a woman being called a slut

How Pakistani men react to a gender equality initiative by the Saudi king

How Pakistani men respond to a woman who told men should cook and warm up their own food

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

How Pakistani men react to a sexist message written about women

The message is written in Urdu. It says "unveiled women are agents of Satan".

Look at Pakistani men (and some self hating women) ignore the murderous cleric and instead go after the report's clothes!

How Pakistanis react to the death of a strong women's rights activist

How Pakistani men (and some self hating women) react to a post about a woman's march in Pakistan