Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Pakistani woman in the US was killed by her ex husband. Look at the comments by the men

From the comments, you see such immature and disgusting people. These are actual Pakistani men writing/liking such pathetic comments about a DEAD woman.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Perverted Pakistani males get triggered at a woman sitting

Notice how they notice every shape and inch of skin. Notice how they make the most disgusting assumptions. Notice how they raise their gaze aggressively. Notice how the self hating holier than thou self righteous women conveniently arrive to show off who they are and join the men in attacking the woman.

Friday, May 29, 2020

A dead Pakistani model is being abused and morally policed by keyboard jihadists/internet mullahs

Her Instagram and Twitter pages were removed because these freaks CONTINUED to attack her. There was also a story about her Instagram account being RE CREATED by these morons so they could upload her photos and insult her again.

Third class education, third class mentality, third world nation.

Pakistani men are upset at a Turkish actress for not dressing like a 12th century Turkish woman

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Burka covered women in Pakistan harass and insult women who work and who are not wearing burkas

Self hating, holier than thou, super judgmental, self righteous women who show off in  the name of Islam have been mentioned several times on here before. Today, burka covered women in Pakistan raided the streets to attack and harass non-burka women and women who work. Have a look at the following links. See how some self hating women are in the comments who support these women. See how only men like and love their comments.

Toxic masculinity is often the product of poor mothering by these self hating holier than thou women.